a friend and i decided to go visit another friend who goes to college about three hours away. on our way up, we picked up a friend who goes to a different college. my friend from ohio came down. and the five of us had an incredible time being silly and feeling funny. it was great seeing everyone outside of our home towns. and these four guys in particular are like blood to me. i love them so much. so even that was great.
we had to trek home the next day of course. and wow was it beautiful. it was daylight, with a sky full of the most beautiful astortment of clouds. with rays shining down on rolling hills. with mountains of lush forest for as far as we could see. we cranked up some greatfull dead and led zep and cruised down the highway, all equally in awe of what was around us. it made me want to live outside forever, to paint, to try and chase the sky. anything. it just reminded me how simple life is, and how you really just have to enjoy it. to refrain from material things and fake friends. to just enjoy every breath.
i wish i had a motorhome, a few good friends, a few thirties, and no where to go. i'd leave this town and never look back. just for the sake of living. no one lives forever but i sure as hell want to live whatever amount of time i have to the fullest. to look back on incredible memories. have no regrets. and just be happy. to me, that would be living life to the fullest, chasing your ambitions, respecting others, having no regrets, and living with a head full of stories.
i'm so happy i'm changing my life. i always am. but deeper and deeper each time i am moved. i am the only person who loves change as much as i do. i believe it is because i don't know what steady is. what being comfortable with the same things is all about. i've never really had to many certain things in my life. and i am impatient. and a go getter.
oh my lord. love change. can't wait untill the weather warms up and i can take the top down and drive.
enjoy antoni gaudi. he is an well, words don't explain him either but. he is architect. his piece is still being worked on in barcelona. his mind is justtt outttt there. he also works wonders with mosaics. if you like architect def google this guy. he has soo much art out there.
sorry for the lack of photos, photobucket was being lame.
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