1. amanda and i dressed up. we looked hott. i wore a backless skin tight black dress with a yellow cardigan andd crazy scraf that i got from a thrift store. Amanda decked herself out in clad browns and grays with a funky scraf and a bit of pink. We had complete intentions of getting into a club into the city. A friend she went to high school with was hosting some event and was certain she could get us in. Well, an hour later, left out in the cold, our fingers swollen and amandas scabs acttually bleeding we decided we looked like idiots. And we made our way to a coffee shop. We drank hot chocolate to the point where our bodies burned from the warm unknown substance. It practically shocked us. After some more waiting we ate a creepe, called the delicious creepe. Of course I asked for the "delicious creep." haha.
2. When we sat waiting for the path train to take us to hoboken I decided to profile everyone. There are five types of riders.
a) the first is the lonely, oddly dressed, possibly homeless sleeping person. He or she sits on the trians, head bobbling, and occasionally lifting his or her head to see if it the stop they've been waiting or sleeping for.
b) the second comes in groups. Its the group of crazy bitches, drunk, stumbling in heels, and loudly chatting about everything their evening consisted of.. or at least they remember. They come in swarms. and they stay in their cluster trying to keep their half naked bodies and friends half naked bodies warm.
c) straight up creep. We've all experienced this one. last night some guy was walking around asking people to punch him in the face. How weird are you? seriously. enough saidd on the creep. subject.
d) the technologic, single, thirty year old bussiness man. He has his messenger bag, his iphone, his keys to his BMW, a laptop, and a pair of sneakers to change into. They are usually godd dayum hot. andd so are their friends.
e) and then there are the normal people. like us. moms and dads and teens and students and people just trying to go places in the real world. looking at a-d to pass the time.
3. i believe i found a hook up for my fake.
4. nikki and i got matching tattoos today. "foxxy" in our inner bottom lip. We were in and out within twenty minutes and i made it just in time for work. it barely hurt too. I was expecting a lot worse. I mean, okay yes it was painful it wasn't like fuckin picking a bunch of buttercups. But it sure as hell wasn't like getting the ink i already have. i am afriad its going to fall out, i'm hoping it doesn't.
5. i have terrible luck and i've just given up. 99% i have given up. i have one more percentage thats hope.
6. its snowing, snow ruins my life. I was supposed to go home to the burg tonight to see all my belovedddd boys who are all home from school for jjs birthday. they are celebrating hard and i'm here in montclair blogging my life away. i'm so awesome. i fucking miss them. they are the best dood friends a girl could ever ask for.
7. i am the only student in my speech class to have recieved a full A on our last speech. this makes me happy because i love speaking and it makes me think of all the speeches across the country I used to do. I miss it dearly. Sometimes i still want to go into public relations, just to speak. My professor said I gave a good speech. Yo, thanks brah.
8. good thing i'm missing tomorrows events as well. no one will cover for me. sweet.
the end. i am going to the diner with nikki anddd johnny for eggs. i havn't had food all day minus the crackers in my room and they are being slow. for the love of my stomach and little hungry self, hurry up lovies...!
george segal, great american sculptor. born in manhattan back in the thirties or so. incredible sculpture artist. has public work all over. even here at my college. he uses plaster, newspaper, and chicken wire trying to create mundane, every day situations andd emotions. high interest in the working class.
walk, don't walk.
couple in bed.
girl friends.
forget the name, but it is in christopher park NYC. he loves bench people.