1.) I was shocked or lightly electricuted while trying to unplug a cable. It left me with an odd tingle sensation and allllot to bitch about. for a good our my roommate had to deal with my SHIT FUCK DAMNITs, and soggy arm.
2. ) I almost recieved an alchohal violation. Luckily, I was sober and just visiting some bros upstairs. In their loudness and drunkness I decided I should leave. As I had my hand on the door to leave the director of my dorm building knocked on the door. In this instance, some guy opened the door, leaving me pinned behind it as they boys yelled lesbian slurs at her and threw furniture around. I was just like look, I'm sober I was just leaving because it was out of control. And she let me go.
3.) After that I went to hang out with nikki, john, manny, eric, kevin, and jenna in bohn. we chilled to minus the bear, took a walk in the start of the new snowfall to the diner, and then watched the office box set from like 12-5am. yeah.. manny kevin and i shared the floor while everyone else piled in beds. nights like these make me so happy, in good company and in good fun.
4.) Last night I was feeling funny so I took a nap. When I woke up, my whole body was ungodly soar. This always happens to me right before or while I have a fever. Nikki came over and kept me compant for a bit. But I was in bed from like four pm to eight am. I was so uncomfortable. Hot, cold, soar, itchy. It was an awful over night fever. I ended up sleeping naked with the windows open on the tile floor- thats how hottt i was. And being that I am against medication I had to literally sweat it out.
5.) Fevers give me weird dreams. I had a dream I was in a car accident (well to make a long story short) and i felt the pain and saw my body sloppy all over the pavement. and i called me mom to say goodbye and she yelled at me and said i was dreaming. (in my dream) I also had an assortment of crazy dreams. Reoccuring dreams. All sorts. It was an awful sleep, I woke up every hour on the dot.
6.) Love when my roomies go away because it equals being in my underwear all weeekend long. not that i don't do that when they are here but. So much bettttter when they aren't here.
7.) Not going home this weekend. ps so lets make plans.
8.) Saw a cute couple kissing at the bus stop today, kissing like nothing else and no one else mattered but the moment. people like this remind me to keep believing. Its been such a long time since I met someone nice.
9.) On the topic of someone worth it, on my recent trip to my fave vintage hot spot, I found a mens yellow and navy 1982 track jacket.. It was such a goood find and at only three dollars I had to purchase it. I'm going to give it to someone who would realllly love it.
10.) I have four options on how to live life tonight. art exhibit. a show. veg in my room. or let saturday night happen and go with the flow. hmm
anyays, k bye. here is judy pfaff. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEE her. incredible sculpture artist, among other talents. most of her work is taken from junk and throw away objects she finds on the streets of brooklyn. You'll enjoy her quirkyness.
okay so its a lottta pfaff but, i said i loveeed her ;)
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