Sunday, March 23, 2008

whoa, party!

i have work in twenty five minutes so quick update!

1. dollface and i (karson) caught up and went to appleeebees two nights ago where we also ran into like ten people we graduated with. which was awesome and awkward.

2. right after that i went to the burg to my boys. it was one big bro fest with hugs and blunts. i got to see jj, danny, brandon, and nicky. i miss them all but at least i got to see most of them and chill hard. i left late, after they took shots of abstinith.

3. bla bla mom made me sleep at home. but i went to work extra early. after work nikki and i went to california pizza kitchen to surprise john. they were both back from break and we chatted and dogged around. nikki and i hit up a party in wycoff before going to our friend gregs house in ringwood. we left early. i arrived home at three.

4. woke up at seven for easter. helped the bro find the eggs, did the church thanggg with the family.. minus my dad because he refuses to talk to me or come out of his office if i'm home. i have work tonight! YEAH!

5. Caska party after. two damn kegs and an open house partyyy. johnnny and manny and nikki are coming. and i'm so drinking tonight because i feel like i deserve it. its been a while and its all friends from home. yeah.

6. going to be late to work. its eleven forty and i have work at twelve. peacee brahh.

7. easter still sucks. worst ever.

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