Sunday, May 4, 2008

what a beautiful day.

and ironic. that today, such a perfect, crisp day is wasted while i sit in bed shrivled up sick and coughing. I get these bursts of energy where I want to do something but getting up makes my head feel heavy and my body weak and tispy. So i am usingt this as an excuse and, or reason to finish my neglected homework. but before i do that, i figured i'd write a little.

tomorrow is going to blow. its going to be one of those days that i can't wait until its the next. i have thre finals tomorrow. I have my art history final tomorrow, which I know the routine but its still a pain in the ass. Its like, forty five pieces of art, she picks five out of them. We need to state the artists' name, country he/she is from, the century, and six sentences of the signifigance of the work. After that, I have my Italian oral exam, five minute one on one interview with my professor. Not so badd... minus the fact that I learned 50x more last semester. This semester I do not feel my italian is stronger. My speaking and writing abilities have weakend while my knowledge of vocabulary has increased, thats it. I also have a five minute skit to do in italian wit a partner, but because we have an odd number of people I have two group members. I missed class on thursday to learn all this because I was sick in bed sleeping my life away. Literally slept through the day. After that, I have my marketing final. The end to a boring class. Yes, she knows her stuff and is very organized but its the same thing every week. I need to get a good grade on this exam because I think I am at a B or C standing. Wow, just checked my grades online I have a D for this class. Thats out of control. I'll prolly end up with a C, or B because participation and attendance count for like 30%. I've only missed twice and I do participate. Plus, I did the extra credit as well as the latest assignment which are not posted. (okay, i feel better..)

mondays continue to blow.

but other than that blurb of confusion things have been pretty good. school is almost over. i plan on writing about a blurb about my first year at school at some other time. i've been working a lot, coughing, enjoying these nice days, and trying to see everyone before these last two weeks are over.

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