Thursday, June 5, 2008

too much reflecting.

1. the other day some elderly woman came to me, and when she spoke she clutched my arm near the elbow, as if she was reaching out. It felt like something so much deeper than her simple question. She stared me in the eyes with a big toothy grin, and latched on. Such strength in her old bones, I wonder if her question was all she was trying to communicate. She captivated me.

2. I don't remember where I was going or coming back from but I drove against the sunrise recently. It was coming up behind me. The light flickering out, faded and fresh behind me, and the dim stars fading out ahead of me. Beautiful.

3. Speaking of beautiful, I wish you could see the night sky here. You can see the strand of the milky way weave in the sky. You can easily point out constellations, the space station, and the brightest stars in the sky- in fact even some of the most dull. Certain times of the year Venus and Mars are visable. But for now, this thick star lined sky against the milky way, spring peepers, and wet hay fields make me wish I had someone with enough adventure in their blood who would be willing to pitch a tent with me and sleep beneathe it. Please do.

4. I've been heavily troubled with eleven lately. you wouldn't understand the depth within that number to me no matter how hard I tried to explain it. To be brief, it haunts me. It is a part of one of less often talked about abilities which lately I have been terribly good at. I'm getting uncomfortable with knowing or having a strong idea of what is going to happen, before it does. Imagine knowing terrible things, to terrible to even tell the people you love in fear that it too will make them worried. This is an entry within itself, that I will never write about. But back to eleven, it is very signifigant to me. The past three days I have seen it more than I can handle. Three days ago, on that late drive back home, in a half hours worth of driving I saw eleven cars on the road. Today, I turned the car on at 5:11, the first speed sign was 55 (eleven five times), and i don't know why but I looked at the mile marker without even meaning to and it was mile eleven. The Album I put my ipod on to listen to had eleven tracks. Highway signs would have numbers such as #11, or 1#1, or 11#. The first exit I passed was 29, which equals eleven. Speed limit of 65 is like six plus five equals eleven. Obsessed perhaps, but then tell me why my first text message of the day was the 11th one, why the three cars ahead of me had license places (yes three cars) that had eleven in them, like 11etc. It is out to get me, in some way. Its been months and I have learned to grow and not be afraid of it. I just can't figure out its energy, although I think its positive.

5. Today I went to this large mall to help open up another store location for the company I work for. It was interesting to say the least, fun would be a nice lie. nine hundred and sixty boxes worth of shipment, all of them to organize, tag, fold/hang, and place. Not to mention the tables, walls, signs etc that were still being built by our visual display artists. People from San Diego, Orlando, San Francisco, Kansas, the Carolina(s?), Philly, Our store, etc. It was a dusty, slightly unfriendly hot mess. I am happy its over. The drive was terrible.

6. Ugh, the drive. Was a series of... ...2rghwqgk. That took me a minute? So, so long and drawn out and sweaty hot humid. Creeps in their beemers trying to hit on me while we are stopped in traffic. It gave me too much time to think. I have so much thinking to do.But my head nearly exploded and I almost pulled over to catch a breath.

7. Ask me why I drove (after my like, five hours of driving today) a half hour to the pharmacy to pick up my DADS medication? Go ahead ask me. Because my mom asked me to go to she could stay with my littler siblings. If he asked, it'd be laughing.

8. Running on like 9-10 hours of sleep for thebest for days. Usually I'm a champ but I am drifint. ehrn

9. i was planning on wrting to someone in a letter and and never sending it- jusy do i

*I fell asleep last night before I could finish this post, andd I am leaving it this way because I think its funny how on the last two I trailed off.

1 comment:

uh i doit said...

haha the 11 thing is like that jim carey movie "The Number 23" where he sees it everywhere and I think he dies or kills someone or something... don't kill anyone!